Our Team

Who we are

CHEF Bernhard Mairinger

Bernhard Mairinger

Chef & Owner

Two times James Beard Award nominee (Best New Restaurant and Rising Star Chef), Chef Bernhard Mairinger brought Los Angeles its first taste of authentic Austrian cuisine with BierBeisl Restaurant.

The Austrian born chef who started his career in Los Angeles as Chef de Cuisine with the renowned Patina Group which earned 4* stars by the LA Times during his time there, was quickly recognized as one of the Top 30Under30 young talents within LA’s hospitality scene.

Chef Mairinger is 6‘8“ in case you are wondering how tall you have to be for that free meal.

Giselle Habib

Pastry Chef

Gisele has been mentored by some of the most decorated chefs in the US and has worked in a number of top restaurants: The Bazaar by José Andrès, Somni, Hotel BelAir, Crustacean Beverly Hills – and her confections showcase contrasting flavors, textures, and the various techniques she’s learned. Food is evocative, and Gisele communicates her most treasured memories through every bite she creates.

Her love and passion for her profession is matched only by her support for her hometown soccer team, Flamengo – supporting is in Gisele’s nature and soccer is a sport close to her heart.

TEAM Placeholder

Christoph Ebner

Chef de Cuisine

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.

Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.

Martin Riese Water Sommelier

Martin Riese

Water Sommelier

Is that the water guy? Yes that’s him. Embarking on my culinary adventure at the Relais & Châteaux Hotel Stadt Hamburg in northern Germany, I honed my skills before jetting off to the United States. Alongside the culinary pursuits, he earned the title of Mineral Water Sommelier in 2010, dubbed the country’s top water expert by the German press.

His aquatic expertise has taken him to TV and radio shows across Europe, South America, and Asia. Co-authoring the acclaimed “Die Welt des Wassers” in 2009, he made waves with signature water programs at renowned establishments like Ray’s & Stark Bar and Patina Restaurant. Launching the Water 101 Class and founding the Fine Water Academy in 2018 with Michael Mascha.

Erik Lund - Bar Genius / Whisky Club Director

Erik Lund

Guy behind the Bar & Whisky Club Director

Erik has been around the block, as they say! Under the wings of renowned bar director Julian Cox, Erik started out at Rivera working alongside his close friend and mentor as he was introduced to the world of bartending. Erik quickly began to make a name for himself, as his vast (annoyingly impressive, to be honest) knowledge and interest in spirits, especially whisk[e}y, has given him the opportunity to create bar programs for local favorites such as Republique, Mess Hall, Alexander Steakhouse, and Pretty Dirty.

As a sporadic but frequent customer, Chef Mairinger and Erik have become friends, a friendship that will hopefully survive their work together!

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